The advantages of Pro Caseus+

The advantages of Pro Caseus+ are many and reflect our corporate philosophy: improving efficiency for the benefit of the producer while respecting the environment. For us, innovation means working towards a sustainable future.
That’s why Pro Caseus not only improves the cheesemaking process for excellent quality cheese, it also helps to protect the environment. A more sustainable process, with less waste.
Working with Pro Caseus+ index results in four solid advantages:
  • Higher yield at the dairy

  • Better cheese quality

  • Greater sustainability of the transformation process

  • Higher income for the dairy farmers

Higher cheese yield

Pro Caseus+ ensures an improved economic result, aimed at having more profitable dairy herds.
Pro Caseus+ produces a milk with suitable characteristics and determines an increase in yield between 2% and 10%, depending on the type of cheese.
This increase in cheese yield is due to an improvement in the coagulation characteristics of the milk.
Using Pro Caseus+, the greatest yield increases are obtained in hard cheeses requiring long aging periods such as Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana Padano, Piave, Aged Asiago.. Intermizoo and the University of Padova have carried out numerous studies in this regard.
Separate cheesemaking tests on Grana Padano showed differences in yield between Pro Caseus+ milk and non-Pro Caseus+ milk of 7-8% after processing. And differences in yield of 10-12% already at the third month of aging.

Advantages for the breeder
  • Added value: Pro Caseus+ milk is destined for cheese production with a high added value, with higher price for the milk supplied.
  • Efficiency: Pro Caseus+ milk ensures a higher yield and therefore a larger production of cheese, without increasing the number of animals bred.
  • Sustainable production: improved efficiency is transmitted throughout the supply chain, resulting in less waste of resources and energy.
Advantages for the processor (Dairy)
  • Optimization of the productive process: only the Pro Caseus+ milk will be destined for cheese making, the rest can be used for other purposes (yogurt, fresh milk, etc.).
  • Productive efficiency: the more suitable milk for cheesemaking will produce a greater quantity of cheese with the same amount of processed milk.
  • Sustainable production: for the same quantity of cheese, Pro Caseus+ milk ensures the reduction of processing residues, reducing the quantity of aging waste and energy consumption.

Better quality of cheese

The better quality of cheese made from the milk of Pro Caseus+ animals has also emerged from the numerous experimental tests carried out comparing different types of milk. The results of the comparative sensory analysis show that cheese made with Pro Caseus+ milk has a greater intensity of color, flavor and taste. The Pro Caseus+ cheese has less sour taste and it’s texture is less crumbly. It also did not show any cooked or crusty smell and taste.


Over the years Intermizoo has developed the ability to read the evolution of trends at global level, anticipating the expectations and needs of breeders and consumers.
In the specific case of our Pro Caseus+ project, the step towards greater sustainability is due to the optimization of the cheese production process.
Sustainable cheese production leads to a better use of energy and resources, less water consumption and a drastic reduction in waste and refuse.
Sustainable cheese production leads to a better use of energy and resources, less water consumption and a drastic reduction in waste and refuse.
With Pro Caseus+, for the same amount of cheese obtained, less milk (but of better quality) can be used and this can help in reducing the impact of milk transport.
Given the optimal suitability of Pro Caseus milk for cheesemaking, the use of additives and auxiliary product for cheesemaking is also reduced.
Cheese made from Pro Caseus+ milk matures optimally, leading to less production waste.
Dynamism and innovation are our answers to the continuous transformation of the market.
For us, innovation means imagining a sustainable future. For this reason, we are constantly looking for solutions that combine commercial aims with environmental requirements, reducing energy and water consumption.
In our stud in Brussa, for example, we use biomass devices, which reduce the contribution of traditional energy sources. Our facilities allow the development of animal welfare, also using natural and eco-friendly materials.
Intermizoo is committed to a plan of responsible growth that respects the environment, the territory and, therefore, future generations. The company believes that the real goal of innovation, beyond economic growth, must be sustainability.
Intermizoo wants to take responsibility for its actions, adopting measures to monitor and evaluate the company’s consumption and the impact it has on the territory.
For this reason, Intermizoo has decided to implement a path to improve production sustainability, aiming at the constant improvement of quality. Sustainable production is achieved through a 360° approach along the entire value chain, aiming at excellence in terms of quality and ethics.
An assiduous research that wants to contribute to the improvement of the quality of animal welfare, employees and local communities.

Higher income

Dairy aptitude has been the subject of numerous studies within the field of farm animals. These have examined the effects between different cattle breeds and within individual breeds the relative genetic variability, estimating genetic responses, particularly in the Italian Holstein population. It was thus possible to include this new character in new genomic indexes, such as Pro Caseus+.

All these studies have shown that it is possible to include cheese-making aptitude in the genomic index to genetically improve dairy cows for milk coagulation time and cord consistency, without affecting the annual genetic improvement for milk, fat and protein.
Other studies have evaluated in the field the effect of cheese-making aptitude of milk on cheese yield. These studies have shown that milk with an excellent level of cheese-making aptitude can improve cheese yield by 2% to 10% compared to milk with a poor cheese-making aptitude.
Given the importance of this trait, in Italy it is of considerable interest to estimate its economic value in order to determine the impact of this trait compared to others commonly selected.
All this means that milk produced by Pro Caseus+ animals helps farmers to earn more money.