The advantages of Pro Caseus+

Higher cheese yield
Pro Caseus+ ensures an improved economic result, aimed at having more profitable dairy herds.
Pro Caseus+ produces a milk with suitable characteristics and determines an increase in yield between 2% and 10%, depending on the type of cheese.
This increase in cheese yield is due to an improvement in the coagulation characteristics of the milk.
Using Pro Caseus+, the greatest yield increases are obtained in hard cheeses requiring long aging periods such as Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana Padano, Piave, Aged Asiago.. Intermizoo and the University of Padova have carried out numerous studies in this regard.
Separate cheesemaking tests on Grana Padano showed differences in yield between Pro Caseus+ milk and non-Pro Caseus+ milk of 7-8% after processing. And differences in yield of 10-12% already at the third month of aging.

Better quality of cheese
The better quality of cheese made from the milk of Pro Caseus+ animals has also emerged from the numerous experimental tests carried out comparing different types of milk. The results of the comparative sensory analysis show that cheese made with Pro Caseus+ milk has a greater intensity of color, flavor and taste. The Pro Caseus+ cheese has less sour taste and it’s texture is less crumbly. It also did not show any cooked or crusty smell and taste.


Higher income
Dairy aptitude has been the subject of numerous studies within the field of farm animals. These have examined the effects between different cattle breeds and within individual breeds the relative genetic variability, estimating genetic responses, particularly in the Italian Holstein population. It was thus possible to include this new character in new genomic indexes, such as Pro Caseus+.